nostalgic reflections



About Us

“use-ta” used as a noun is a person that has strong, fond memories of the way things used to be
and would like to see things return to some form of “normalcy” of how things use-ta be in the past – the “Good Ole Days” from the use-ta’s viewpoint. A “use-ta” derives joy and laughter from remembering how things useta be. A “use-ta” is many times a member of the Baby Boomer or Gen X generations but can also be an older Millennial and, perhaps at times, even one of the younger Millennials and others can qualify as a “use-ta”.

“use-ta” used as a verb refers to things as they use-ta be – either real or imagined. For example, I use-ta be the best at everything…I use-ta look like this or that…I use-ta be the fastest runner…I use-ta be the best football player, baseball player, basketball player…I use-ta could hit a driver 350 yards…I use-ta walk 5 miles back and forth to school uphill each way and in the snow…I use-ta be the prettiest in my class…I use-ta weigh 110 pounds…I use-ta run a four minute mile…I use-ta be built like Arnold…I use-ta be the best cook…I use-ta have dark hair… One great thing about being a use-ta is that not as many people are around that can prove I am not what I say I use-ta be.

“use-ta” pronunciation – depending on where you grew up use-ta can have many different pronunciations along with many accents. It could be “yuz”, “yoos”, “yus” followed by “tu” but more commonly the phrase just ends in “ta”. Regardless of how you use use-ta, have fun and enjoy reflecting on some good memories when times might have been better but also focus on creating even better memories by shaping a more positive future and making this world a little better for all of us.

use-ta ® is a registered trademark of use-ta, LLC.

All rights reserved.


Your use-ta Moments

We use-ta sit on the front porch in the evenings with family.


We use-ta lay in the back window of the car.


We use-ta sit around the dinner table and eat together.


We use-ta have to be home when the street light came on.


Every Moment Captured.